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[English] Info-Evening with Tom Harris

07/12/24/ - 19:00 - 21:00

[ Let op: deze lezing zal in het Engels plaatsvinden ]

Join us on an incredibly interesting Info-evening with Tom Harris (co-defendant on the SHAC Justice Project and author of ''Your Neighbour Kills Puppies'')

Tom Harris has played an important part in the SHAC-campaign. As a consequence of police repression Tom (and several others) eventually got arrested and convicted, fighting ever since with the SHAC Justice Project to overturn these convictions.

In this talk Tom will tell you more about the pressure campaign, the fight against animal testing and the police repression that followed.

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty has been the biggest and most radical campaign in the history of the animal liberation movement, aimed to shut down Huntingdon Life Sciences: a company that killed 500 animals daily for cruel experiments. In a huge pressure campaign, activists all around the world protested, inflicted economical sabotage and liberated animals at every company remotely connected to HLS.

Police Repression
The campaign had a huge effect on the animal testing-industries, who in their turn used their influence and connections to spark an intense response from governments and police. Houses were raided and people arrested in several countries, with many people disappearing for years behind bars in absolutely absurd trials. Tom Harris himself was sentenced to 4 years in prison.
The repression even resulted in the making of a documentary that was on Netflix for a while: ''The Animal People''.

Why you should come
If you have any interest in pressure campaigning you cannot miss this talk, whatever movement you are part of. We can all learn from this.
If you are concerned about police repression, this is a powerful story about a campaign filled with solidarity and how people fought and fight the system of oppression.
If you are (or want to be) a part of the animal liberation movement and looking to get inspired, you definitely should come!

What if you cannot make it?
In that case, we advise you strongly to buy Tom's book ''Your Neighbour Kills Puppies''. You will not regret it!

Practical details
Date: 7 December
Time: 19:00
Location: Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam
Entrance: free!

Please note: the talk will be in English.
At the location you can buy the books, and some merch related to animal rights/animal liberation.
If you have any questions, write us at
See you there!

Curious what kind of effect the SHAC campaign against animal testing had? Read these quotes!
''A tiny group of activists is succeeding where Karl Marx, the Baader-Meinhof gang and the Red Brigades failed''
- Financial times
''A handful opf animal extremists had succeeded where Osama bin Laden had failed''
- Mark Bibi (HLS)
''Investigating and preventing animal rights extremism... is one of the FBI's highest domestic priorities.''
- John Lewis, FBI
''The number of activists isn't huge, but their impact has been incredible.''
- Brian Cass, HLS' managing director
''There needs to be an understanding that this is a threat to all industries. The tactics could be extended to any other sectors of the economy.''
- Brian Cass, HLS' managing director
''Love them or loathe them, SHAC have forever changed the way single-interest pressure groups will wage war against big business.''
- Guardian
''Buoyed by their succes, [SHAC] want nothing less than to change the world.''
- BBC Radio 4
“Without SHAC, there would be no Palestine Action”
- Richard Bernard - co-founded PAL Action''


19:00 - 21:00
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Pretoriusstraat 43
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